Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Riding a 2 wheeler!

OK everyone! I'm sorry.... I have totally neglected my sight! But here is my baby girl on her bike! She was the last one on our block to do it. She just wasn't ready. So, when she was, she asked Jason to help her. She was crying and shaking and so I decide to step in and take the other side of the bike before my hubby murdered his youngest! heehee Anyway, she kept saying to not let go, and of course Jason did, he just didn't tell her. Next thing that you know, she was telling him to let go, and he said, "I already did!". She was so excited that she drove us INSANE wanting to ride her bike everyday for hours and hours and hours. The coolest part was that she hasn't had a major fall yet!! (Knock on wood!) I can't believe how fast time goes by and that she will be in 1st grade next year! HOLY COW!! 

1 comment:

Trent & Lindz said...

Oh my gosh she is NOT going into first grade!! I can't believe that! Time really does fly. I can remember coming to meet that cutie for the first time after she was dorn. I fell in love with her she was so tiny! I need to get your email so I can send you the pics I have of her from the wedding. Congrats on learning to ride a bike Kirsten! You're so grown up! And thanks for the update Auntie :)Miss you guys!