Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Valentines Day

Valentines Day... 

Usually a day that your sweetheart gives you flowers and showers you with love and affection, RIGHT??? 

Nope, not in this house. My husband, as romantic as he is, refuses to succomb to the "frivilous" holiday. He demands that you shouldn't have to be told to do these things for the one that you love. He has a very valid point... but!! For some stupid reason, it makes me sad that I am not one of the masses getting flowers and being lavished with chocolate. The man does a VERY good job of letting me know that I am loved!! 


Why does this bother me so much????


Trent & Lindz said...

I'm pretty sure I've ruined Valentines Day for the rest of my life. I made the mistake of telling Trent when we were dating that "I think it's kinda a superficial holiday and you shouldn't be told a day to show someone you love how much you love them." Which I still believe. He counted himself lucky that he had a girlfriend who was so cool with being low key on Valentines and now I'm lucky if we go to dinner. Would it be too much to at least get a card!? I'd still like acknowledgement!
Like Jason, he does a great job every other day of the year of telling me and showing me he loves me though so I can't complain too much I guess :)

Created Amiably said...

Haha I guess you need to add a new blog post ms getter of flowers on V day!!;) thanks for your posts!! I have truly gone back and forth with private vs homeschool!! But private is all day and he just isn't ready to sit still for that long!! I mean what 5 year old is??? And we have such a large homeschool resource here he won't miss the social aspect! And we have lots if fun outdoor living learning experiences!! And trust me I DO not see myself homeschooling past 3 grade if even that!!! And who knows we may both hate it and he starts sooner!!:) we had a blast with flat Stanley at the Zoo!:)

Jolene Warren said...


For the first time in 9 years, my hubby bought me flowers!! I almost cried! I DO love that man!!